
Wheat is a member of the grass family that produces a dry, one-seeded fruit commonly called a kernel. Wheat is commonly used as a steeple food and also for animal feed. There are 6 types of wheat, which have been used differently. They are hard red winter, hard red spring, soft red winter, soft white, hard white, and durum. 

The crop is grown as a rainfed crop in temperate climates, in the sub-tropics with winter rainfall, in the tropics near the equator, in the highlands with altitudes of more than 1500 m and in the tropics away from the equator.

The length of the total growing period of spring wheat ranges from 100 to 130 days while winter wheat needs about 180 to 250 days to mature.

SpecificationMilling Wheat DSTU 3768:2019
Test Weightmin 76 kg/hlISO 7971-3  
Moisturemax 14%ISO 712
Foreign mattermax 2%ISO7970
Sproutingmax 2% 
Protein on Dry Basismin 11.5%ISO 20483 
Glutenmax 23,0ISO 21415-1 
Falling Numbermax 1.5ISO 7970  
Sprouted Kernelmax 1%
Broken Kernelsmax 5%
Grain Admixturemax 5%
Ergotmax 0.11%
GMO absent